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Investment Management

Balancing Risk and Reward: A Guide to Safer Investments

In the realm of investing, balancing risk and reward is paramount to achieving long-term financial security. At Snyder Wealth Group, we understand that each investor has unique financial goals and tolerance for risk. Our approach is designed to help you navigate investment choices to find those that best align with your personal and financial objectives. […]

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Navigating Market Volatility: Tips for the Modern Investor

Market volatility is an inherent part of investing, characterized by frequent and often unpredictable fluctuations in asset prices. For modern investors, understanding how to navigate these turbulent waters is crucial for long-term financial success. At Snyder Wealth Group, we’re committed to helping you make informed decisions during volatile times. 1. Maintain a Long-Term Perspective: Market

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Understanding Fiduciary Duty: What It Means for Your Investments

In the world of financial planning and investment management, the term “fiduciary” is often mentioned, but what does it truly mean for your investments? At Snyder Wealth Group, we believe it’s crucial for our clients to understand the significance of fiduciary duty and how it impacts the management of their financial assets. What is Fiduciary

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Philanthropy and Finance: How to Align Your Investments with Your Values

In today’s world, investing is not just about financial returns. It’s increasingly about making a positive impact and aligning your financial decisions with your personal values. Philanthropy and finance are no longer separate realms; they are intersecting in powerful ways, allowing investors to support causes they care about while growing their wealth. This synergy between

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5 Essential Steps to Creating a Robust Investment Strategy

Investing can be a powerful tool for building wealth, and its effectiveness relies upon personally-tailored strategies rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach. Crafting a successful investment strategy relies upon aligning your financial goals and risk tolerance with prevailing market conditions. A robust investment strategy is an essential blueprint for navigating the complex world of investing

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Living on Long Island & Planning for College: Investment Options for Education Savings

Living on Long Island presents unique opportunities and challenges, particularly when it comes to planning for college expenses. As the cost of higher education continues to rise, it’s crucial to explore investment options that can help you save for your child’s education. In this article, we will discuss investment options for education savings and provide

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The Importance of Diversification in Your Investment Portfolio

Building a successful investment portfolio requires careful consideration and strategic decision-making. One of the fundamental principles of sound investing is diversification. In this article, we will explore the importance of diversification in your investment portfolio and how it can help mitigate risk and increase potential for returns. Spreading Risk: Protecting Your Portfolio Diversification is essential

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Navigate Market Volatility on Long Island: 6 Tips for Smart Investing

Market volatility can create both challenges and opportunities for investors. As residents of Long Island, it’s essential to understand how to navigate market fluctuations effectively and make smart investment decisions.  In this article, we will provide valuable tips to help you navigate market volatility and make informed investment choices that align with your financial goals.

Navigate Market Volatility on Long Island: 6 Tips for Smart Investing Read More »

Response to Recent Market Volatility due to Coronavirus

Response to Recent Market Volatility due to Coronavirus

I’m happy to report that the portfolio changes we have made over the past year are paying off. As we had mentioned before, we have been more conservative in our overall portfolio. Our stock exposure is lower than typical, and we have been favoring higher credit quality bonds and low-volatility stocks – all of which

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Response to Coronavirus

Response to Coronavirus

I assume you have been following the news lately, about the Coronavirus epidemic. We have been monitoring the Coronavirus outbreak and we have been deliberating upon proactive measures to mitigate possibly elevated risk exposure. Given the current conservative allocation in accounts, we were well-positioned for this recent spike in volatility and look to maintain this

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