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Navigating Life’s Financial Journey: Milestones to Achieve at Every Age

Managing finances wisely involves much more than occasional budgeting and saving a fraction of your paycheck. It requires a roadmap—strategic planning that corresponds with different stages of life.

At Snyder Wealth Group, we understand that each decade of your life brings new challenges and opportunities. Here’s a guide to the key financial milestones you should aim for from your 20s to retirement.

In Your 20s: Laying the Foundation

The twenties are all about establishing financial independence. It’s the perfect time to:

  1. Tackle Student Debt: Create a repayment strategy that prioritizes high-interest loans and explores forgiveness programs if applicable.
  2. Start Saving and Investing: Begin with setting clear personal and professional goals. Open retirement and savings accounts and determine how much you can regularly contribute towards them.
  3. Prepare for Emergencies: Ensure you have appropriate health and disability insurance in place.

In Your 30s: Building Assets

As you enter your thirties, your focus should shift to building substantial financial stability:

  1. Grow Retirement Savings: Aim to have at least one year’s salary saved in your retirement accounts.*
  2. Plan For Major Life Events: Whether it’s purchasing a home or starting a business, have a detailed financial plan to help you prepare and accomplish such events/goals.
  3. Family Planning: If applicable, start saving for your children’s education and ensure you have sufficient life insurance.

In Your 40s: Increasing Wealth

Your forties are a time to further secure your financial future:

  1. Enhance Retirement Contributions: Target having three years’ salary in retirement savings* and increase your savings rate to at least 15% of your gross income.
  2. Invest in Yourself: Continue your professional development to boost and maintain your earning potential.

In Your 50s: Preparing for Retirement

This decade is critical for maximizing your retirement preparations:

  1. Maximize Retirement Accounts: Strive to save six years’ salary in retirement funds* and take advantage of catch-up contributions.
  2. Plan for Healthcare: Discuss long-term care options and begin planning for Medicare.

In Your 60s and Beyond: Approaching Retirement

As retirement nears, it’s time to fine-tune your preparations:

  1. Solidify Retirement Plans: Ensure you have eight years’ salary saved*, establish your social security claiming strategy, and plan for any remaining debt.
  2. Healthcare Arrangements: Set up comprehensive medical coverage including Medicare and any necessary supplemental insurance.

Retirement and Beyond:

Enjoy the Fruits of Your Labor: With a solid plan in place, move confidently into retirement, adjust your financial plan as needed, and enjoy your new lifestyle.

Ongoing Financial Vigilance

Regardless of age, maintaining financial health requires continual oversight:

  1. Regular Updates: Keep your estate planning documents and financial plans up-to-date.
  2. Stay Informed: Regularly reevaluate your investment risks and adjust your savings rates as needed.

Navigating your financial journey can be complex, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Snyder Wealth Group, we are dedicated to guiding you through each financial phase of your life. Contact us today to learn how we can help you build a secure financial future tailored to your unique life stages.

*O’Neill, B. (2018, January). Financial Planning Milestones for Different Ages. Rutgers University.

Picture of Mark Snyder, ChFC, CLU, RMA, RF

Mark Snyder, ChFC, CLU, RMA, RF

Mark Snyder is a managing partner at Snyder Wealth Group. Our investment philosophy is rooted in the principles of fiduciary duty, tailored strategies, and a long-term approach to wealth building. Our mission is to provide our clients with the highest level of service in financial planning and investment management, supported by 50 years of experience.

About Us

At Snyder Wealth Group, our tagline is “Invest, Plan, Retire, Prosper.” We believe in helping our clients achieve financial prosperity throughout their lives.

Whether you’re just starting out in your career, planning for retirement, or somewhere in between, we can help you create a plan that will help you achieve your goals and live the life you want.

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